Photo lovers, today I have the distinct pleasure of introducing you to baby Carter, who's officially 14 days new!

I think we can all agree: His smile should earn him a spot on the cover of every baby magazine in the nation! Seriously, I'm practically melting from cuteness overload! Anyway, as you can see from the pictures below, Carter and I had one of the best sessions together. We did Toy Story-inspired theme, outfit was custom made by one of my favorite vendors, Pitter-Pats Creations & Friends. Then we used his 3D/4D ultrasound photos that his Mom had done at Tiny Hearts 4D during her pregnancy. His mom, Calee was super fun to work with. Her preparation efforts allowed us to have an especially awesome shoot together. Baby Carter slept most of the way through the three-hour session. And when he wasn't sleeping, Baby Carter was calm and smiley. He couldn’t have been any better. Just look at how adorable his session is!